Start Selling Globally With eBay

How to create an eBay seller account Step-by-Step Guide:


Submit Your Contact Details & Business Information

Please fill in your details in the form alongside

Mandatory fields are:
  • Mobile number
  • Email ID
  • Contact person name
  • Nature of business
  • Product category
  • Number of products you have to sell
  • PAN
  • IEC

Click "Next"

Note: If you do not have PAN, GSTIN or IEC, please click on the symbol next to the respective field to know details.

Submit your contact details and business information

Nature of business*


No of Products to sell*

0-50 51-100 101-500 500+

PAN*: Yes No
GSTIN*: Yes No
IEC*: Yes No

By clicking on 'Next button', you constent to provide all mandatory documents required for your onboarding to sell on ebay and to be contacted via email/phone/SMS/Whatsapp by ebay or its authorized service providers.